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Climate Change Brings Tidal Wave to Deferred Maintenance

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

Completing an environmental risk assessment for a local body with Sascha yesterday, we highlighted one of the main risks facing communities, government, businesses and individuals regarding climate change.

“Climate change highlights deferred maintenance as it exacerbates the problems caused by neglected infrastructure and systems. “

When infrastructure, such as bridges, dams, transportation networks, or even your roof aren’t properly serviced or upgraded over time, they become more vulnerable to extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and other environmental challenges associated with climate change.

Deferred maintenance can lead to costly breakdowns and failures that have far-reaching consequences for communities, the economy, and the environment. Look at the Libya dam collapse and the effects of local floods.

Addressing deferred maintenance becomes increasingly urgent in the face of climate change to ensure the resilience and sustainability of critical infrastructure.

Let's take a moment to ask ourselves the next questions:

What do we fund?

How do we fund it?

Are there some things we won’t fund?

Do we have liability for failures?

Reach out to Effective Climate Solutions learn more.

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